Join us this Saturday, October 5th for DHNS YOUTH HOMECOMING!
12PM – 5PM Carnival
2PM Homecoming Presentation & Court
Come support our DHNS Youth!
Diamond Hill-Jarvis Homecoming Parade: If your child would like to participate in the Diamond Hill Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 4th, meet us in front of the high school football field at 1:30PM. Your child should be dressed in their football jersey or cheer uniform. Parents must pick up their child immediately after the parade and are welcome to walk the parade route with us. We are in need of one additional truck for the parade. Contact Roxanne for more information.
DHNS Homecoming Raffle: All raffle tickets must be turned into Roxanne by Friday, October 4th at 6:30PM to be eligible for the Homecoming King/Queen contest. The raffle will be held on Saturday, October 5th at the end of the Homecoming court presentation and will be available via Facebook Live on the DHNS Youth Association Facebook page.
DHNS Homecoming Decor: Bring signs to decorate the field and show support of your favorite DHNS Youth football player and/or cheerleader. You can also hang Homecoming mums and garters on the fence during your child’s game. Be sure to remove your posters and decorations after the games.
DHNS Youth Alumni: We’d love to recognize any and all former DHNS players, cheerleaders and coaches during the 2PM presentation. Please join us at the north end zone at 1:30PM on Saturday, October 5th so we can get your information prior to the presentation.
Reminder, no outside food or drinks allowed.
Gate fees: $5 ages 12+, $3 ages 4-11